Saturday, December 27, 2014


After a real battle my beloved went "home" to Jesus. The Fight is over.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Deacon csres

Dear Brother in Christ,

I cannot imagine the pain that you must be feeling at this time, and I wish that I could pray it away for you, but I can't. I can only pray that as our Jesus prepares to open His arms and embrace His precious child you will find some comfort in the countless people at St. Philip's who are here for you. Michael, please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of help.

Deacon Joanna

Kind words

Charlotte sent a Facebook post to let people know the "latest".
My Dear Sweet Sister,

I have been reflecting on my life since I met you and your amazing family. As in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" I look at what I would  have missed if I had not met you. You truly touched many lives and everyone who has met you is better off for knowing you and your family. I know I won't get to be with you again until I make my journey home. I will be looking for you always. You are the my best friend, so I will be talking to you daily as I do now. Love you always

Dear Brother in Christ,

I cannot imagine the pain that you must be feeling at this time, and I wish that I could pray it away for you, but I can't. I can only pray that as our Jesus prepares to open His arms and embrace His precious child you will find some comfort in the countless people at St. Philip's who are here for you. Michael, please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of help.

Deacon Joanna

Deputy "Dog"

I installed a "Baby" monitor between the guest room and Gisela. Around 2am today, "Boxing Day" to you Brits or ex Brits!, I saw that Shakira the on-duty nurse needed help.
Between us (with Shakira doing the bulk of the work!) we gave her a new nappy or diapered.!
She is now resting but I am WIDE-AWAKE!
Hence the blog insert!
I talked , via "Skype", to her brother who is in Thailand.
Like the whole family he is distort with the deterioration of Gisele!
We have NOT given up "HOPE" but the odds do not look good.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Clean as a "New Pin"

Today was a busy day; first Nicole, Oliver and the girls came to bring Opa his Christmas gift----a gingerbread Latte from Starbucks. Then Brent came with a bottle of single malt whiskey. Next his wife with two types of Christmas cookies. Katie and "the boys" called from baton Rouge .Then Pam Chandonia arrived with cookies she had made from Omi 1's recipe.
The three ladies gave GSB a great "Blanket Bath". We changed her "knickers" and her bed linen.
She is now resting easily.
Delta ,First Officer Barron, called from the "Big Apple". He will be flying between LGA and BOS until he "dead-heads" home  Saturday.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

CHRISTmas eve-----a doting son comes to call

Gisela did fall asleep in her "new" bed around 7pm. I ate some soup. Skyped with Gene in Thailand and went to bed about 8:30pm.
I woke up at 10pm to find Ollie telling his "mum" how much he loved her.
I fed her some more medication and he helped her wash it down with water from a small sponge.
So the first night is underway.
I started to look back (again!) how many Christmas eves we have spent together.
When they were very young getting up about this same time to put each "pile" of presents under the tree.
Those early times with both my mother and Omi 1
I missed going to church for the "Candlelight" service. God had me involved a much more important "work" like Oliver telling Gisele how MUCH I love her.
Christmas day is approaching. We will proclaim the birth of our savior who came to save the world.
My simple prayer is to have as MANY days as possible with "My Beloved".
I know she has to "go" but..................

Monday, December 22, 2014

Looking back-------------------?

Because I am not sure how much time we have looking in the other direction!

GSB is going in the next couple of days to move from the hospital to 'hospice home CARE".

She will be here in the Tribute in a special bed but at least in her own home!

How long we have is like the proverbial piece of string! Hours will be great; days a real step in the right direction; weeks a cause for ecstatic jubilation and ANYTHING longer---PURE JOY!

The pain is still there and there is nothing more they can do in the hospital. They need the bed to try and save,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!

The hospice company will bring a special bed to the Colony.

A trained RN will help me for a couple of hours each day. 

We must all continue to pray for recovery.

But right now as the title says I am looking back at 42 1/2 years of "Wedded Bliss".

If I look at the almost half a century it is NOTHING but amazing:-

1. We have lived in four of the Continents.
2. Our "memory bank" of memories has more GBs than all my laptops together!
3. We have two wonderful sons who with their beautiful wives have given us five gorgeous grandchildren and two more are "on the way"
4. We have homes and friends in three of those Continents.

2015 will be the year we really remember as 2014 is the year we try to forget

Opa and Ollie visit

My beloved is still in the hospital so Ollie and I came to visit. The new game plan is to wean her off of the morphine being fed intravenously and going back to pills orally.
There is still talk of 'Home Hospice but we are NOT sure what that means or entails.

Friday, December 19, 2014

A pilot came to call

Most of You are well aware that Michael has a second job at Delta Airlines.

He popped in this afternoon to visit his "mom".

GSB's "Oncology Team" have decided the following:-

1. Remain in Hospital over the weekend.
2. Go back home under " Hospice care" next week; NO more Chemo.
3. Reevaluate in a couple of weeks!!

Currently she has moved from "Oral "pain medication to a 2mg/ hr IV

She will remain in hospital until Monday, " Hospice" care will take over.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Pain is too great

Oliver and Nicole organized for Gisela to be transported to Plano
Hospital earlier this evening. Oliver had been a  "surrogate" Opa while I was overnite in Los Angeles. The pain just became unbearable.
The hospital is right next door to the Oncology Clinic we go to and that Der.Stoke and Condi work out of.
This has been building up for nearly a week as she barely eats but takes some pretty strong medication.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A walk in the sun!

We bought a walker; the sort that after some steps you can rest! We did just that! Walked a little and rested. Please note my beloved is wearing her ankle-weights. Not too much " heavy-lifting" but it is the thought that counts.
We took advantage of a beautiful Fall/Winters day here in Texas. Temp low 60's lots of sunshine.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

CHRISTmas time

At our church, St. Philips the Advent season is well under way. Last Thursday Molly, our youngest Granddaughter had her class pageant with the other classes in the sanctuary. "Omi" made it along with "Grandma Kreutz (Nicoles "Mum"), Big sister Lydia and proud parents and Opal.

Next morning Lydia had an assembly at her school; her class were Reindeer----- singing "Rudolf", of course.
Gisela sailed through GEMZAR 2, the second Chemo with the "new poison!"

Our Delta first officer just got back from Belize to the "Big Apple" on his way back to Fort Worth.
We will have two Christmas Days this year on the 28th with Katie and their sons (he is flying over the holiday!) and on the 25th with Oliver and Nicole and their girls.
Nicole has only 5 or 6 weeks before "Owen Daniel" is due.